WSBC Phase 4 reopening plans

Walnut Street Baptist Church will enter into Phase 4 of our reopening plans on Sunday, May 2, 2021. Phase 4 will last until further notice. A letter with more detailed information about our Phase 4 reopening plans can be found by clicking HERE.

Most of our Sunday school classes are now meeting back in their regular rooms. Also, additional ministries are now meeting on Wednesday nights each week. Please see the graphics below for where Sunday school classes are meeting AND what additional ministries are being offered on Wednesday nights!


Effective may 23, 2021

Starting this Sunday, May 23, we are introducing our new face covering policy. Please note: all other social distancing guidelines are still in place. Sanctuary seating will continue to be roped off to keep individuals socially distanced. Masks will be required as you enter, exit, and move about our campus. Here are the changes:


 - Children’s/Student Ministry: all teachers & children will wear a face covering through June 13 (subject to change). 

 - Sunday School Classes, Meetings, Small Groups, Etc.: each class/meeting group will decide the face covering policy for their respective groups.

 - Worship: once you reach your seat & during your participation in morning worship, face coverings will be optional for fully vaccinated individuals. Note: same policy will apply for Wednesday night Bible study.

 **We strongly encourage those not vaccinated to wear a face covering at all times.