At Walnut Street, we're thankful for the men and women who serve our church faithfully. We encourage you to use this webpage to become more familiar with our church staff and also as a resource to pray for these individuals regularly.

  • Coye Still, III, SENIOR PASTOR

    Coye began serving with Walnut Street in January 2023 and is thrilled to be here! Previously, he served with the International Mission Board (IMB) in Botswana. He has also served with the IMB in South Asia. He has pastored churches in Kentucky & North Carolina. Coye is married to Sherra. They give thanks to God for their five adult children, five children-in-law, and wonderful grandchildren.  Email: cstill@walnutstreet.org

  • Will bishop, worship pastor

    Will Bishop has served as Worship Pastor at Walnut Street since January 2024. He also serves as Associate Professor of Church Music and Worship at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has previously served as a minister of music in churches in Texas, Mississippi, and Kentucky. Will and his wife, Jamie, have 4 young children.

  • Gang li (Martin), Chinese minister

    Martin graduated from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity in December 2021 and then joined the Walnut Street staff as Chinese Minister. Before Martin came to America in 2018 to start his theological program, he was a bi-vocational pastor in a house church for 7 years in Guangzhou, China. Martin has various vocational experiences and he is passionate to proclaim the Word of God and active in cross-church ministries. He and his wife Lei Xiao live in Louisville. Email: gli@walnutstreet.org

  • Andrew wilson, Youth Ministry Director

    Andrew is currently studying his Masters of Divinity at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He currently lives on campus with his wife (Lizzie), son (Elijah) and daughter (Sophie). Originally from Australia, he enjoys meeting new people, playing ball sports, swimming and camping. Andrew has a passion for hanging out with youth and teaching them the Word of God. His goal is to present the youth of Walnut Street “mature in Christ” (Col 1:28) by laying a solid Biblical foundation for their lives, enabling them to follow Him their whole lives.

  • isabel Puri,  Children's Ministry Director

    Isabel has attended Walnut Street with her younger sister and mother since she was six years old and became a member by baptism in 2016. She has been volunteering in the children’s ministry since 2015. Isabel graduated from UofL in December of 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts in English.


    Kathy has been serving at Walnut Street since January of 2001. She is responsible for the administative support of the ministerial staff. Kathy resides in Louisville, Kentucky with her husband Michael, daughter, Alex and son, Evan. Email: kwilson@walnutstreet.org


    Janet joined the Walnut Street staff in August 2022. Previous to joining the staff, Janet had served as a volunteer in the Community Ministries since 2000.  She became a member of WSBC in June 2001 and is an active member of the Agape Sunday School class. Janet has a Bachelor of Science degree, Master of Arts degree, and Rank I in Education from the University of Louisville. She retired from the Jefferson County Public Schools & the University of Louisville after working in education for 50 years. Janet is a widow and has one son, Dean. Email: jpearson@walnutstreet.org

  • will be updated soon, Media Ministries director


    Susan Barnett (Wedding Coordinator)

    Ketra James (Custodian)

    Grace Jewell (Custodian)

    Muhammad al Fraiji (Custodian)

    Jacob Hovis, Maintenance

    Walter McFall, Maintenance Supervisor