Based on recommendations from state leadership in regards to corporate gatherings, we will be extending our Phase 2 plans until further notice; we will not move to Phase 3 at this time. Please note there are some revisions of our Phase 2 plans which were publicized in July. These changes are as follows:
- Our Wednesday night Bible study will be online only - there will be no in-person Bible study at this time
- Masks will be required at all times once you enter the WSBC facility
- There will be no choir, praise team, or orchestra for the time being
To view a graphic that gives a quick summary of what is and is not taking place during our Phase 2 extension, please CLICK HERE.
A letter with more detailed information about our Phase 2 extension plans can be found by clicking HERE.
For those who plan to attend our in-person worship during Phase 2, we have updated worship instructions you can read by CLICKING HERE. There is no longer a requirement to notify the church if you are attending; however, you do need to read the instructions for attending worship so you are adequately prepared. Thank you in advance for loving your brothers & sisters in Christ by adhering to these guidelines.