During this current phase of our re-opening plan, we are hosting an online Sunday School class for anyone interested. This weekly class starts at 9:45 a.m. and will be an interactive Zoom meeting. The Bible Study will be led by our Sunday School Director, Jeff Ross. Currently, the class is going through a study on the gospel of Luke.
To join each Sunday morning session, use this link: http://bit.ly/wsbcadultclass
No meeting ID or password will be needed when using the link, but if you are asked for either, the meeting ID is 840 2995 3093. If you choose to join through the Zoom mobile app, you will need the meeting ID.
The Bible Study will last from 9:45 a.m. – 10:25 a.m. in order to give ample travel time for those choosing to attend the in-person worship gathering at 11:00 a.m. Also please note that we ARE recording these Zoom sessions so that they can be posted on our website for those who may not be able to watch it live each Sunday. We hope to see you on Sundays for Sunday School at 9:45 and then for worship at 11:00!
If you missed a week & would like to go back and catch up, the recordings of the previous Zoom sessions are below to watch at your convenience.